Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Upcoming ideas and projects

We have since finished our big trip to Disney. Nicole has uploaded all the pics on Facebook, and I'm not sure if I want to upload them all here (but maybe a few). The trip was wonderful and it seems like ages ago even though it's only been a week since we got back.

Anyway, I have a bit of a New Year's resolution: I want to start up a web comic (maybe the Zoey & Milly one; not sure) and on the side continue my Wonder Woman revamp story. I think it's turning out great, and once I get enough promotional images, and about 60-ish pages fully made (that's about nine months by industry standards) I'd like to propose it to DC.

This new incarnation of Wonder Woman will have more personality, spunk, and purpose behind her. Here's an image I did last night of her just having a good time.


Kent said...

Great job, Sean. It looks good. I'm convinced WW is having a great time.

Lisa Lynn Alexander Williams said...

I love it too. Good Luck!