Thursday, May 29, 2008


My last class was actually yesterday, but as of today the school's doors have closed, officially ending the quarter. Rehearsal's tomorrow, and the graduation ceremony starts at 9 AM on Saturday.

What's funny is the main thing I'm looking forward to is not the graduation part, but the graduation meal! It's been a while since I've had a meal paid for me! And at 17 Hundred 90 House no less! Hooray for parents and relatives who like to eat out! Dad wants to take some sort of tour of Savannah later that day, and watch Iron Man with me on Sunday.

I worked on my website for Digital Portfolio class, but it's not quite ready yet, so as for now, this will be my base of operations, so to speak.

And in two weeks, I'll be off to New York to visit the guys heading up some of the major comic companies like Marvel, DC Comics, MAD Magazine, and Nickelodeon Magazine! We're also visiting the studios of Cliff Chiang, Kikuo Johnson (who I had the pleasure of meeting last year), Paolo Rivera (I'm looking forward to meeting this guy!), Michael Kaluta, and Bob Sikoryak (who has an amazing ability to mimic an incredible variety of styles).

I just hope I get my portfolio updated in time. I've never been to New York before, and getting to check out places like Times Square and Central Park should be a good time.

Don't want to leave a post here sans art, so here's some filler while I get some new material punched out.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

History Vs. Hollywood and some life sketches

I'm a bit of a history nut, and any kind of visual representation of the many tools used in history makes me so interested. So I was quite excited to come along this little chart of surgical tools from 1829. I can't imagine having wooden gears as joints and surgical anesthetic being something rudimentary as a flask of whiskey and a wooden bit to prevent biting off my own tongue. But it's fascinating to see what man had in substitute of plastics and benzodiazepines.

And speaking of history, History Vs. Hollywood is a great program. I found this forum full of history buffs passionately and competently discussing the inaccuracies of such films as Gladiator and Braveheart. And luckily, these aren't the kind of people that let these discrepancies ruin the movie for them. We have to take into account that Hollywood has and, in all likelihood, will keep dramatize historical stories for the sake of making it interesting and condensing the plot to fit into 80 min-3 hrs.

I apologize for not posting in a while. It's my final quarter at SCAD, and I've got less than a week left! I'll leave some model sketches here, so as to not deprive anyone reading this of new art.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First Entry!

Good day everyone!

My name is Sean Williams and I am currently in my last quarter at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). I majored in Sequential Arts (a fancy name for comics) and minored in Storyboarding. I plan on working in the movie industry, doing concept illustration, storyboarding, and maquettes.

The sequential field is an excellent way to study the essentials of storytelling in art. We are taught anatomy, perspective, proportions, composition, lighting, etc. as well as having to tell a story both visually and verbally.

I hope those visiting will enjoy my sketches and artwork that I will frequently post in here. Here's a taste of the latest project I've worked on recently. Enjoy!