We have since finished our big trip to Disney. Nicole has uploaded all the pics on Facebook, and I'm not sure if I want to upload them all here (but maybe a few). The trip was wonderful and it seems like ages ago even though it's only been a week since we got back.
Anyway, I have a bit of a New Year's resolution: I want to start up a web comic (maybe the Zoey & Milly one; not sure) and on the side continue my Wonder Woman revamp story. I think it's turning out great, and once I get enough promotional images, and about 60-ish pages fully made (that's about nine months by industry standards) I'd like to propose it to DC.
This new incarnation of Wonder Woman will have more personality, spunk, and purpose behind her. Here's an image I did last night of her just having a good time.
I apologize for not updating since . . . uh, September? Geez. Well, life has been moving along at a pretty slow pace. It doesn't help that we're on our toes about our Disney trip that's in thirteen days. Our holiday plans have suffered because of it, and we won't be seeing family for Thanksgiving, but hopefully we may try to work something out for Christmas. But we will be spending this festive Thursday with our boss; which isn't as bad as it sounds since he can really cook. I'm just looking forward to yams and apple pie. Those are the highlights of my Thanksgiving.
I didn't post on here in a while due to not having almost any artwork to show. But I'm doing a sort of "secret santa" fanart gift and I finished it today. I think I'm safe to give you guys an early preview. (You might also want to be aware that I'm a big Batman nerd)
I was taught how to draw people for the most part at school. Animals (specifically mammals) were secondary. But attempting to even do gestures of insects is difficult. They are alien to mammalian form. At least six legs for most, segmented bodies, wings, bulging eyes, crowbar-shaped feet, pincers, sleek exoskeletons, etc. They have amazing camouflage and defense mechanisms. They live practically everywhere, and yet we only take notice of them when they're in our house, eating our food, or sucking our blood.
So suffice to say I difficulty pulling off any forms. I didn't know where to start. You'd think it'd be easy. They're divided into three parts -- head, abdomen, thorax. But I don't just want to put shapes together. I want to understand how these insects move and fly. The top left sketch was me trying to see what a leafhopper bug would look like if you gave it more human qualities. The top right is a wasp that has some sort of needle or tube it sticks through wood to lay eggs. And bottom left is the face of a cicada (which are the ugliest things on earth).
Today was my wife's 27th birthday today, so we invited a bunch of people and dined at a local seafood restaurant for lunch. So far we've had two different types of cake today. I didn't get much sleep last night, so with two meals with fat slices of cake involved added in, I'm feeling pretty tired. We got a free meal at the restaurant for dinner.
Anyway, my two-week pledge is almost up. I like that I've been making constant updates, and I've noticed the visitations have bumped up since doing this. Now that I've almost fulfilled my challenge, I may not be doing another daily post after this. However, my new challenge is to draw at least five sketches a day. And for no particular reason, I've chosen bugs. So from the 15th to the 21st, I will be making some drawings. They don't have to be posted every day, but they have to be done and posted before midnight on the 21st.
Well, the wife just got the complete series of Daria on DVD, so I'm off to watch some episodes.
In September of 2001, I was in 10th grade. When I first heard about the attacks, I was in Geometry class. A teacher poked his head in, and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. This will probably sound callous now, but my class started to joke about how pilots can't fly these days. It sounds horrible, but the last thing on our mind was that the plane was used as a missile to kill people within the tower -- or that there would be three more of these planes.
After class ended and I walked to Biology, a student ran past me and told my teacher that there were several planes that had attacked buildings, and that it was done by terrorists. My teacher got so riled up, he made a long rant followed by a pro-USA speech. I was just so flabbergasted by all that was going on, and that I didn't have any info on the attacks, that I didn't react much to his message. I just wondered if we would be able to get out of school.
There was a little buzz about it in my next class, English. But again, everyone had little info. It was a terrorist attack. The Pentagon had been hit as well as the WTCs. But that was it. Was this a nationwide thing? Would we be sent home? Were we in danger? Would the terrorists target public schools? I lived in central North Carolina, away from any iconic or important structures, and yet nothing seemed safe now. Are we at war now? The principal got on the intercom at this point and confirmed that there were attacks that had been made on several buildings, but at this time school is still in session. Remain calm. That was it.
It wasn't until my next to last class, World History, that I was able to see what had happened. My teacher had driven from his home and brought a TV in, and we sat quietly, some of us sobbing, as we watched repeated footage of the attacks. I know at some point I had tears in my eyes. What really got to me was an interview from a distraught survivor who had just come down from the tower. He had passed by a man in a wheelchair on the staircase who was calling out for people to carry him, but no one would. The man, now safely away from the ruins, was shattered emotionally. "I can't believe I didn't help him! Why didn't I help him? Oh God, I hope he got out! Oh Jesus!"
When I got home I saw the footage of people jumping out of the towers. That really put me out of it. I had just never seen anything like that before. This wasn't a depressed person bent on suicide. This was someone desperately trying to escape the burning insides of the tower. And it wasn't just one person. Firefighters had reported they kept hearing thumps in the lobby of the bodies hitting the ground. This was all new and horrendous to me. This wasn't the movies. This wasn't in some faraway country you could just forget about. It was home.
I was in a daze for a week or so, determined that this was some sort of nightmare I would wake up from. But I think I snapped out of it after seeing a special report where they interviewed some of the NY firemen. One of the fire chiefs stepped outside with the cameraman and the interviewer, obviously a day or two after the attacks, and pointed down the street.
"Everyday the towers were there. Now there's nuthin'. They're gone."
It was that image-- the image of something you see everyday, take for granted because it had always been there, and now was gone. Gone forever. And it shakes your reality.
After that, I tried to join the ROTC but because of my asthma I wasn't admitted. I'm grateful for that now because of the way things in my life went after high school.
If kids some day down the road find this post, hopefully this video will kind of help show how these attacks took a lot of America by surprise.
To get the requirement out of the way, I did see something new: I'm about a quarter of the way through Season 3 of Dexter. I really like that show. It's one of the few I go, "Ooh! What's gonna happen next!? Gotta see the next episode!"
To add some meat to this post, I'll add in some of my favorite scenes from my favorite movies (in no particular order).
John Carpenter's The Thing Blood Test scene
I love horror movies. And I don't go looking for the crappy movies that are made pretty much just to show people getting killed in various ways. I LOATHE the slasher flicks. Same formula, different killer. They all have some schtick, but they all love to kill stupid teens. In theory, it sounds hilarious and entertaining. But in practice, it gets old quick. Why? Because it's obvious the writer/director didn't have any new ideas to contribute to the genre, other than how someone can be killed using a paper mache doll.
You just don't see tension in horror movies nowadays that you do in this scene here. In this scene, Kurt Russel's character Mac has discovered that the alien not only disguises itself as other beings, but it can separate yet act as a singular being. This prompts his forced blood test.
I couldn't find any of my favorite scenes from Coraline (one of my favorite movies in recent years), but this clip at least represents the color and style of the movie very well. Word of warning: it's not really a kid's film. It looks innocent at first, but there were scenes that freaked me out. And I watched The Exorcist unfazed.
Again, wasn't able to find any of my favorite scenes from this gem, but nobody doesn't like Die Hard. Even my wife, who usually just rolls her eyes over steroid-pumped heroes mowing down badguys with their giant guns, loves this movie. All the characters are involved in the plot instead of just being there to make a joke or look good. The whole Die Hard series is great, but the first one shot Bruce Willis from rom/coms into action hero stardom.
This was my favorite movie in middle school. It's not my favorite anymore, but it has great action scenes. It also has one of the best rallying speeches in film history- and that's saying something. I would vote for Bill Pullman as President.
Another great frightening scene with tension. Unfortunately, the added music drowns out some of the sound, but you can gather that Jake Gyllenhaal's character does NOT want to be there. He's invited to the man's basement RIGHT after discovering that his #1 suspect for the Zodiac killer is this guy. While inside, he hears movement upstairs, previously thinking they were alone.
When I was young, my parents were pretty strict on what I could watch. I wasn't allowed to see the evening news until I started grade school. So it was a very long time (at least when compared to most kids) before I saw any kind of movie that was remotely violent.
My friend Phillip had gotten the movie Jurassic Park on tape and, probably knowing the scariest movie I had seen was Ernest Scared Stupid, put it in the VCR, saying something along the lines that it was an awesome movie.
Now don't get me wrong. Jurassic Park is an awesome movie.
I don't know how I got through the first scene, but I do remember the part where the T-Rex tries to eat the kids in the jeep. Phillip's mom spots me trying to claw my way backwards inside her armchair, eyes wide open, and decides that the movie was too much for me.
Phillip protested and said that I didn't mind. Did I?
No words came out. Just a slow shake of the head. "No? What? I don't care. Oh my God. That dinosaur was going to eat those kids. They were screaming. I will never curse dinosaurs again."
Now, of course, I'm the one watching the movies with the jump scenes and my wife is repeatedly asking me, through a wad of fingers, when the next scary part was going to come up. And my sister blows through scary movies like nothing. It took me years to build up an immunity. But while I was watching "The Mummy" for the first time in our living room at age 13, she was six.
Man, I love caves. Not that I want to do the hardcore spelunking. I'm a bit claustrophobic. Heck, when my wife and I went with a friend to the Atlanta Aquarium, there was a section in the penguin area where you could crawl in and stand up in this glass tube in the middle of the exhibit. You could be in the midst of penguins! Well, the tunnel happened to be full of loud kids and their loud parents speaking over their kids, so it ended up being this hot, dark, enclosed space full of writhing tiny bodies and screaming. There was also a line inside the tunnel (which was about 3' tall) to get to the glass tube. Needless to say, the penguins weren't worth it.
And I'm terrified of the cave exploring that requires you squeezing your body between rocks and spending a few days in an area with no sunlight and sudden drops into the abyss. I'm perfectly okay with the guided tours in caves with the nicknames for all the stalactites and such.
Deer Cave in Borneo has been shown on one of my favorite documentaries, Planet Earth. In fact, the whole cave episode is my favorite. You have a cave full of bat dung and covered with cockroaches, one full of a river of sulfuric acid, and another that has giant gypsum crystals you can walk on.
When we visited my in-laws in Alabama, it was suggested we go see the DeSoto Caverns. I was excited about it, as it also had some fun activities you could do - like panning for minerals! I hadn't done that since I was 10! Not only that, but the caverns had a laser light show! Neato!
When we got there, we found out the laser light show was about how the creation of the cave was made. I was a little disappointed it wasn't going to be a recreation of the Tron story or something, but I wanted to check it out anyway. We get inside, and they turn off the lights. Pitch black. I start getting excited. I'm expecting the narrator to start talking about rivers of molten lava barreling through crust, and iron and oxygen mixing and blowing up or some sort of epic science like that. Instead, it was a direct reading from Genesis chapter 1. The narrator would say, "And God said, 'Let the land and waters teem with life, and give the sky the birds in the air," and behind me would be this squawking speaker that would etch out animal noises. "Let the land -" "CRAW! CRAW! CRAW!" "with life and-" "RRRROOOOOOAAAARRR!" "water-" "MOOOOOOOO!"
I don't want to get too political on a blog where potential employers can check out, but I just finished reading World's Most Dangerous Places. It's a little outdated now (published in 2003 -- a surprising amount of things have happened in seven years that just doesn't reach the news), but gives a pretty honest look at the going-ons of the world without getting too political or preachy. It's mostly, "Well, there's a lot of this going on there and this awful crap going on here; but, you know, what can you do?"
It has the USA on there, and statistically (at least when compared to some western European countries) the streets of your typical average US city sound like a haven for bad things waiting to prey on unsuspecting visitors. But, of course, when living in the nation itself, you know better. It's probably not smart to dress very fancy and walk around by yourself at night in isolated areas of Detroit or New Orleans. Heck, I'd advise against traveling by yourself after sundown anywhere close to downtown Savannah. Lord knows I was just asking to get mugged, being a stupid freshman with all my "HEY! I'M NEW IN TOWN!" gear and checking out the city park at 2AM.
For the most part, however, almost anywhere in America can provide a good time or a good story. Stay aware and use common sense, but be adventurous too. I've just started to like Hilton Head after a year of living here, and that's because I've started to explore the island on my own and avoid the usual places that draw crowds in.
Anyway, I didn't really have a point to this post. I just wanted to fill my quota for today. But I'm glad you all are stopping in (my statcounter has been climbing up quick since I started this post-every-day challenge to myself). Thanks again, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Yesterday, I got an unusual request at the restaurant. One of the servers told me a girl at her table wanted to get a picture with me. Flattered, I crossed over to the dining room where I discovered a seven-year-old girl who looked at me like I was a superstar. I never seen her before, but apparently she was infatuated with me. Not only did she want a picture with me (which her mother took), but before she left she hugged me.
This is the kind of science I wish we did in school. I loved science as a kid, but my science classes pretty much took any kind of interesting aspects of it, hid it from view, and the only thing I remember from science class is that chlorine in gas form is not something that you want to inhale. Chemistry was probably my least favorite class in grade school, and unfortunately it was due to the teacher, not the subject material. Other chemistry teachers were having fun experiments in their classes (in one, they somehow turned a gas into a pillar of carbon). So while I didn't have the greatest experience in science, I haven't given up on it yet. I hope that when I have a kid, I can teach them some elementary physics and/or chemicals in an interesting way. I really can't wait for one of them to participate in a science fair.
Nicole's birthday is a little over a week, and I'm still trying to think of an idea to surprise her with. She, unfortunately, is an over-planner, and has kind of already planned out what we're doing for her birthday, so I have to come up with something she hasn't thought of yet. Any ideas?
Today I was cut from work early (we've been slow at the restaurant since school started), so I decided to spend the hour or two waiting for my wife to get off work by reading somewhere. Usually I browse at Barnes & Noble for a few hours, but lately I've been feeling guilty shuffling up and down their corridors of books, only there to kill time.
The past few days I've been able to get out of work early enough that I can sit on the beach (it's about five minutes from work) and read until sundown. If I get tired of reading, I can put the book down and cloudwatch. Today, however, I wanted to read somewhere new. I drove to Shelter Cove (where Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort is located) and sat on the grassy embankment of the inlet there. It was very quiet, and I was able to park in a remote lot (it said "Executive Parking" but I figured it was okay as there was no one there). I've been living near and working on Hilton Head Island for over a year now. And until this week, I never really appreciated the island. Most people probably consider if you live on or close to an island, the beach is just part of your day. And for at least some of my coworkers, that's true. But not for me. I live only 15-20 minutes from a public beach, and yet in a year I've visited it less than ten times. The beach itself is not on my way to work. I have to dress up nicely for work and I live half an hour away, so I don't go to the beach prior to my shift. And I don't go afterwards because by that point it's too dark. And I don't go on my days off because, well, I drive to the island six days a week, and the last thing I want to do on my day off is drive back to it. But I've been able to appreciate Hilton Head this last week. I was able to watch the sun set and listen to the tide rush to the shore. To see the waves of sand glide along the beach in the wind. To witness the seagulls scan the shore for food from tourists. And, funny enough, it finally occurred to me how lucky I was. How lucky that I'm able to walk barefoot in my work clothes in the sand and witness beauty. How often does one get to do that? I live in an extraordinary time in an extraordinary place, and I thank God that I can do that every day.
The above paragraph sounds a little hokey when read aloud to myself, but I really did feel that way, and maybe you all can get something out of it. I spent a whole year paying attention to only what's along the way to work: gas stations, chain restaurants, a failing mall, annoying tourist shops. But when I went off the beaten path, took a wrong turn, and decided "What the hey? I'll check this place out," I discovered why people choose to live here.
Now do I want to live in Hilton Head for the rest of my life? No. I want to be in a college town. I want to be around arts and the liberal sciences. I want to walk in coffee shops with people talking about the latest music or debating philosophy. I want to go to shows in dank studios, and be able to choose between having a paella or Chicago-style pizza (instead of burgers or subs). My place is not here in HH, but now I get it. I understand why people choose to live here. Drawing I did of this creepy girl you meet in Ocarina of Time. She's not as weird looking in the game as she is here, but I still remember her freaking me out. If you want to see what I'm talking about, check out the video here at 2:46.
Well, I spent the last hour writing up a new post, but for some reason Gmail had logged me out at some point, so my whole post was lost. So instead of typing it all up again, I'm going to give you the short version.
- I realize my blog is lacking in content and so I will be posting once a day for the next two weeks about a new experience; a new song, a new movie, something I learned, etc. It has to be unknown to me prior to the day I post about it.
- My critique: A fun movie. Awesome battle scenes. Memorable lines. Still a little dizzy from all the quick cutting that is frequent in Edgar Wright movies, but that could just be a personal thing. Could've been a little bit more condensed. Enjoyed for the most part, but felt like they Hollywooded the ending, and went with the obvious. I heard it ends differently in the graphic novel, but have to say I enjoyed the movie a lot more than the comic. Michael Cera seems to be one of those actors you love or hate, but I'm drifting into the grey zone. Almost all the ex-boyfriends were hilarious.
- It's three in the morning, and I'm still up. Curse you Crush Grape soda!
The Disney trip is only months away! We're somewhere in the 40-50% range in saving up for the trip! And we're purchasing our tickets this month. If I had more time off, I'd go see Inception, but alas, I had the opportunity to hang out with one of my co-workers and his family to see Despicable Me.
My parents visited last week, and so we were treated to dinner, and in return we took them to this amazing place that serves fresh, custom doughnuts on the island. Aside from all this, not much to report. We're losing one of the hostesses, but training two more. So hopefully me and Nicole will have some free time together soon. Nicole's been superbusy training, doing admin work, pulling longer shifts, etc. to get her vacation pay. I've just been trying to stimulate myself inbetween work, sleep and finding a good time to eat.
I haven't posted for a while because I always to leave new artwork, and I have to be honest; I didn't draw much this month. Finally I popped a good Wonder Woman drawing and had the time to color it. The drawing took maybe 2-3 hrs to draw because I had no reference and kept changing her outfit and hands. Coloring usually takes me 1-3 hrs, depending on my mood. I've found that I really enjoy coloring, and I hope I can learn some better techniques.
Not much to say except we're a quarter of the way to finishing our Disney Fund! Life is good, I'm still waiting for our hospital bill to come, we have a friend visiting this week for a few days. Been doing research on classics and world history. Thinking about maybe doing an ongoing history webcomic or something. Don't know how I could ever top or even get to the level of Kate Beaton.
Man, has it really been a month since I last posted?
Well, the big news is that we spent a week with my parents in NC. We attended a traveling Broadway showing of Wicked, which blew Dad away. Mom and my sister Kelli thought it was too long for their attention spans, so I guess you can't please everyone. Nikki thought the actress playing G(a)linda was better than the one we saw in New York. I visited high school friends, and in the process lost my voice that week. Got to see both "Date Night" and "Kick Ass." Tina Fey and Steve Carrel's movie was cute and definitely had its moments, but I was surprised by how much I liked "Kick Ass." Now I'm going to have to read the trade. Oh, and I did see "Iron Man 2," which of course was awesome, but not as much as the first. It was good to see everyone and eat lots of good food, but now we're back and need money. We're trying to pay off my hospital bills (over $1000 for a doctor to rub on some antiseptic and start stapling away on my head), save on food costs, and *drum roll please* save up for a trip to Disney World! WHOOOOO!! We plan on going the first or second week of December. It'll be between the fall and the Christmas crowds, but still close enough to Christmas as they'll have the lights up. Also, Nikki's excited that they're going to bring back Captain EO. We're also going to spend a day at Islands of Adventure to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Let's see . . . I've been learning some Italian in the meantime, as well as trying to read, understand, and appreciate the literature classics again. Nikki bought a DVD shelf so we can move our movies out of the bookshelf to make room for all the graphic novels we now own. One of the few friends we have left in Savannah is leaving, but we're trying to hang out more with our coworkers.A very androgynous Elphaba with some TF2 characters. Note the drawings on the back side of the sketchbook bleeding through. What can I say? I don't like to waste paper.
Did some anatomy drawings while watching Blade Runner. One thing led to another.
Did a colored piece of Dead or Alive 2, a very cheesecake-y fighter game I used to own.
My wife took out my staples on her own with a special tool. No, it didn't hurt and it took about a minute to do. So yay for saving money! Still dreading the hospital bill, as it hasn't come in the mail yet. Come to think of it, neither has our census form. Hmmm...
Both of us were able to get the last two Mondays off work, so we used our rare time together to go to the Columbia Zoo last week and Charleston to meet Nikki's parents this week as kind of a anniversary collaboration (our anniversaries are just a week apart).
EDIT: I wrote practically five pages of info on our trips, only to find out after hitting "Submit" that I had been logged out and nothing was saved. So here's the short version.
The Columbia Zoo - Flamingos smell - Baboons make horrible fathers - I'd hate to be a toucan living at the zoo (I mean, how many times a day are you going to hear something related to Froot Loops before you go stark-raving mad?) - I saw a lemur I thought was dead. It looked like this.- I saw a penguin who acted like he was going to take on everyone at the zoo. He was my favorite. He looked like this.- I'd hate to work at the zoo.
Last week, Nikki and I did our taxes at H&R Block. Luckily, our tax returns ended up to be a substantial amount. Enough to cover the car repair payments, with some left over that we could go out and buy a sofa (so we can throw out our broken futon).
Well, yesterday kind of nulled that. I bent down to grab some cleaning supplies from the bathroom sink, and as I stood up (fairly quickly) my head caught the edge of our glass medicine cabinet. I nailed the corner of it on the top right side of my scalp. I thought I had just had a good bump on the head until I discovered my hand holding my head was covered in blood. Thank God Nikki was there because stupid me would have taken a shower, slapped on a bandage, and gone about my day. We called Nikki's father who is a neuroradiologist, and he said I'll need some stitches as the cut was about an inch long and a fairly deep one at that. We get to the hospital and three hours later, I have five shiny staples in my head. I thought they would shave my head, but I guess not (I'm kinda grateful as it would be quite humbling to host at a restaurant with this bald, metallic spot on top of my head).(I'll spare you the pre-stapled cut picture)
My wife was panicked and having a bit of an anxiety attack until she met up with me again in my hospital room. Meanwhile, my biggest worry was money and if the restaurant would hold up with just one hostess on a busy night. Honestly, it could be worse. I briefly shared the room with a man who had barely missed being killed by a slab of marble falling off a truck and into his car. You just never know when something will happen. You can be driving back from a haircut, or in my case, trying to clean the bathroom.
I had the fortune of finding my cousin on linkedin, who works for an architecture firm in Portland, OR. I also grabbed some contacts from fellow SCAD alumni, so now I'm slowly getting the hang of networking. I'm really looking into doing something in the storytelling field, such as storyboarding. I think I'd have more fun collaborating with writers and artists in order to come up with an awesome story than producing concept art. At least not now. I feel my strong suit is storytelling with comedy and horror. I still need to work on my art skills.
Also, a local job position is opening up that I really want and can get. Most likely, I'll be taking a pay cut from less hours at the restaurant, but I'd rather work somewhere related to my field of interest.
I called my dad today, and he asked why I hadn't updated recently. I honestly can't say why. I never have experienced an HR rep at a prospective company snapping at me when I called to check up on the application process. By this point, I had already had the interview and was told I would hear back from them in a week. By the next week, I had not heard anything, so I called to check. I got a quick "We'll call you." And that was it.
Luckily, my hours have picked back up at the restaurant. Unfortunately, my wife's hours have picked up as well, and she's being stretched thin by her two jobs (and our one car). So we're making good money this month, but it's an hour commute roundtrip to the restaurant (and it's not uncommon that we have to make at least two trips per day). I guess it helps that our local comic store has been hit with hard times, and so we're not spending half our paychecks on Fables or Batman issues.
My mother is trying out for a mini-triathlon this fall, and considering when it takes place (aside from my birthday) it will be a huge milestone for her because it will have been about a year since she's recovered from breast cancer. I'm very proud of my sister, as she's smart with finding a good guy to date, and starting on new activities she's passionate about, such as musical theater. She also just turned 17, and I believe she now has her driver's license. Before I went to college and moved in with my wife, she hadn't started highschool yet and I think she had just gotten her braces. How the time flies.
In two weeks, my wife and I are off to see a She + Him concert in Savannah (I think we're mostly seeing it so we can possibly meet Zooey). In late April, I'll be up in NC with my folks to see a traveling tour of Wicked, as well as catching up with old friends. It'll be a great week!
Don't want to leave you without some art, so here ya go!One of the contests for our art jam was to combine two characters from the 80s and/or 90s. Took Princess Peach from Mario Bros. and Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.
Cammy is just too fun to not draw. Marth and Ike from the Fire Emblem series, but you can find both on the latest of the Smash Bros. series. Uh, and this is Jigglypuff as a carnivore.
Vega from the Street Fighter series. I took a cue from John K's animation school, and drew this in the same way I drew Zangief two posts previous to this one. I believe I will color it soon.
Perspective and proportion study with Mario!
A little Star Wars comic I came up with (and perhaps an explanation as to why Anakin chose the Dark Side). Couldn't resist a little cheesecake. Toad from the X-Men a la 1960s era. Or at least how I imagine him (without the goofy costume).
Hello, everyone! Not a whole lot to report. I am picking up a second job nearby since my hours at the restaurant have been cut. Been drawing a lot (and I apologize for not posting most of it) and trying my hand at digital penciling. Not exactly as fun as using a pencil, but I now have clean lines to fill in with color, saving a lot of time. For example, I did an age chart for Zoey and Milly. Didn't think these two were going to appear again, but I have fun drawing them, so here they are. My first completely digital drawings.
Zoey is the more child-like of the two. She's a bit ditzy, but has a good heart. She likes to dance in her room and tell poop jokes. Her favorite movie is Princess Bride. After college, she mellows out, meets a great guy named Dave and becomes a mom while working at a software design firm.
Milly is the more independent-minded of the two. After being kicked out of nearby public schools, her parents sent her to a Catholic boarding school for a few years. Although incredibly bright, she often got into trouble for voicing her opinions and vandalizing Wal-Mart. She is highly creative, and after dropping out of college, she spends her days selling homemade appliances, starting a political blog, and hosting study group sessions for the local college.
Well, how about that? It's a February miracle! It snowed in Hilton Head! And the snow sticked to the ground! Granted, by the next morning, all evidence of the light dusting of snow that had fallen the night before disappeared. But it was enough to excite us all. I'm not exactly a stranger of snow, having grown up in North Carolina, where it's expected to get some sort of wintery precipitation, albeit as little as an inch. However, snowing here occurs almost as often as a presidential assassination. So you can also understand the paranoia and hype about roads closing and shutting down the bridge so there wouldn't be any road fatalities. Well, unfortunately, I still caught two cars lying in a shallow ditch which goes to prove that us Southerners still don't know how to drive in winter weather.
In art-related news, I've been checking out John Kricfalusi's animation blog (of Ren & Stimpy fame). It was both inspiring and a bit eye-opening to show just how terrible cartoons were in the 70s and 80s and just simply amazing they were back in the 30s-50s (namely Looney Tunes). Of course, I had to watch old episodes of Ren & Stimpy, which still astounds me that that show was able to get away with half of the stuff it did. I was inspired enough to draw some old Street Fighter characters in a more animated style.
Of course, my good friend Kate reminded me after I drew this, that I had violated one of the big "no-nos" of animation: "twinning," which is making any part of the character's pose symmetrical. Note the amateurish mistake made by yours truly on the legs. Ah well. It's a learning process.
Today is Valentine's Day (I'm currently writing this at 1:30 am after finishing cleaning the rat cage), which means for those of us working in the food and beverage industry that we have a long day ahead of us. That also means that my wife and I can't celebrate Valentine's on the 14th, so we went ahead and had a nice dinner at Carrabba's a few days before, and Nikki made a wonderful french toast with cheese and fruit for breakfast the next morning. I made her a card with some familiar figures on the back. Anyway, not much else to say. We're planning on going to a She + Him concert in Savannah next month, and in April we will be visiting my parents near Durham, NC. There we'll see a tour of Wicked, and who knows what else? I'd like to take a day trip to Asheville, but that may not happen given on how little time we have to spend up there.
I didn't mean to make this a monthly blog. If you reach back into the first entries, I meant to do this as a weekly blog. Such is life I suppose. But I intend on bumping up my posting quota. My good friend Katie is setting up a comic jam of sorts, and I'm working on doing some guest work for my friend Joe.
Aside from that, I've been a bit on the ropes financially. Winter's come and that means reduced hours at my day (or I should say evening) job. To make matters worse, Bear Delahunt, the guy who ran the comic store (and a new friend at that), has left in order to set up somewhere else. So in between him setting up a new shop and my winter hours, there's not a whole lot to do but to keep up the job search.
Don't want to leave any visitors artless, so here's some Street Fighter fanart. Big shoutout to my family, as well as my in-laws, who visited us this month. I hope we didn't bore you to death or appall you with our lack of furniture. Heh.
It took me much longer than I had anticipated to finish the website design (this was essentially my first professional commission), but I can now show the background image. I'll post the rest of the people a bit later (it's getting a bit late here, and I haven't downsized some of the images to low-res jpgs yet). As for personal going-ons, our spike in business has slipped away with the holidays and now I'm once again seeking employment in addition to my day job. However, there is a consolation that makes the sequential art kid inside me jump for joy: a new comic store called Atomic Comics run by a terrific guy (Bear Delahunt) opened up just behind my neighborhood. I can take a 5-10 minute bike ride to get all the comics I need.